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Merged Paths

There are as many different paths in life as there are people—no two aligned in exactly the same way.

Which means it’s only a matter of time before the people here with us diverge from our path and head out onto their unique own—it’s the nature of life.

Until then, we should cherish the time we have together while our paths have merged and start preparing ourselves to smile with deep gratitude when it’s time for our paths to diverge (because of the cherished time we did have together)—no sense in arguing against nature.

Even soulmates will have to one day say, “goodbye.”

But for today, let’s make the time we do have together worth smiling deeply for.

P.s. I asked: Outside of sleep, eating well, exercise, reading, and writing—what’s ONE thing that helps you perform your best? I hope the answers help. :)

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love