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When Talk Is Gold and Action Is Cheap

Talk is cheap.

Unless you’re talking to:

  • Wisdom-bearers
  • Deep-thinkers
  • Action-takers
  • Go-getters
  • Initiators
  • 1%ers

Then, talk is gold.

Action is gold.

Unless you’re taking action without:

  • Focus
  • Thought
  • Connection
  • Reflection
  • Alignment
  • Intent

Then, action is cheap.

Be careful not to apply a cliché to your life without careful and deliberate consideration.

All action and no thought can be just as bad as all thought and no action.

The real gold lies in the beautiful, deliberate balance of the two.

P.s. Today is my birthday! I asked: “(If you’re older) What’s ONE thing you’d tell your 33 year old self now? (If you’re younger) What’s ONE thing you’d love to see your 33 year old self doing/ having done?” Here are the answers. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly