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The Cost Of Travel

You can travel 5,000 miles, hike to the top of 100 mountains, lounge at 50 beaches, sail all seven seas, and step foot in every country of the world…

And still not find yourself.

Sometimes outward exploration becomes synonymous with inward exploration.

But, self-discovery isn’t always the byproduct of travel.

Inward reflection is where “selves” are found.

And inward reflection doesn’t cost a thing. No planning required. No time off work needs to be submitted.

You simply need to create space for stillness.

You know, the same way you would when you step into an awe inspiring scene of nature.

See, travel can be used as a hack that elicits stillness, but don’t get it twisted…

Stillness is available to you every day. And waiting until you travel far-and-wide before you explore your inner workings is a costly way to live.

Better to create some space, put on some noise-cancelling headphones, and start doing some of that inner exploring today.

Published inArchivesIdentityThinking Clearly