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Your 1-Minute Priority Check…!

A simple way to cut through the noise of your life and get a clear signal on what your top priority focus should be.


Here it is: You are granted one wish from a magic genie—but it has a condition attached to it… it can’t be for anything tangible—including money.

In other words, you can’t wish for lottery money, mansions, luxury lifestyles, or Lamborghinis.

But, you can wish for deeper connections, a better love life, more courage, peace of mind, restored health, more specific knowledge, a group of raving fans, sharper or more diverse skillsets, etc.

And don’t give yourself too much time to think about it… because the wish is valid for only ten seconds after you finish reading this post…!

So, what’ll it be…?!





P.s. …THAT, my friend, is where your focus should be.

Published inArchivesPrioritiesThinking Clearly