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Month: January 2025

Outside/Inside Life Connection

I’m 35 years old and I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a year ahead.

I’m more in tune with who I am than I’ve ever been.

I’m more confident in my path than I’ve ever been.

I’m connected to more amazing people than I’ve ever been.

And you know what’s interesting about those statements that I didn’t even realize until I just typed them out?

…I’m connected to more amazing people than I’ve ever been BECAUSE I’m more confident in my path than I’ve ever been BECAUSE I’m more in tune with who I am than I’ve ever been BECAUSE (and this is the real key) of all the inner work I’ve been doing every day for the past 5 years.

Life on the outside is always a reflection of life on the inside.

Commit to improving your life on the inside and slowly, slowly… life on the outside will undoubtedly follow suit.

Daydreaming and Sleepwalking

You probably won’t ever realize how many opportunities there are in the world, until you define what type of opportunities you most want to realize.

To define is to put on your radar. And to recalibrate your radar is to get alerted to what you didn’t see before.

To define is to give shape to. And to shape the world is to more easily identify what shapes fit into your mold.

To define is to manifest. And not in any kind of passive way. In the way that alerts you to when the shape that fits your mold comes onto your radar so that you can channel the courage required to act in proportion to what each opportunity requires.

…Did you catch that?

You have to know exactly what you want (and not what the world wants for you)… so you can actually see all that’s there… so you can finally act with initiative and courage and with a deliberateness that was never there before.

Until then… you can keep on daydreaming and sleepwalking.

The Problem With Living Reactively To Emotions…

Most people live reactively to their emotions.

They go about their day, have their interactions, make their choices, and then feel the feelings consequentially arise while trying to maintain the scheduled busyness of their day.

Which leads to bottling, pressurizing, and exacerbating.

And of course, once you’re all the way in your feels, you’re usually clouded, spiraling, irrational, overthinking, and knee-jerking—and it isn’t usually until much later… after you’ve said and done things you regret… that you realize you actually were any of those things.

The solution to this frustrating reality is to simply add something proactively creative or inward focused into your day.

That’s it.

It can literally make all the difference in the world.

Simply block some journaling into your morning routine. Or some drawing into your lunch breaks. Or some music creation or dancing into your evening routine. Or some martial arts into your after work schedule. Or some unplugged outdoor walks into your before work schedule.

The problem isn’t the emotions. The emotions are what make us human.

The problem is the bottling of the emotions—it’s in their restricted flow and continued compression.

Creative work/ inner work time allows those feelings to flow. And feelings are something you should expect daily (to expect otherwise is silly).

…It’s in this one simple act that we can reclaim our emotional calm within even our craziest of days. Don’t underestimate it.

P.s. I write these daily as a free gift to the world. If you’d like to support my ongoing work, you can buy me a cup of joe, here (you can also make it monthly now). Thanks for reading :)

Stitching Together Life Experiences

Like a DJ, I love the idea of seamlessly stitching together one beat of one experience of my life to another beat of an upcoming life experience.

…How can I take what I learned and play it like music in my everyday life?

…How can I stay in touch with the people I’ve met and turn single beats into a rhythm?

…At which point in my life’s track am I—the intro, the build, the drop, the breakdown, the second build, the second drop, the second breakdown, the outro, etc—and how can I fully embrace this section of it while also planning ahead where I want the next phase to take me?

What I love about watching great DJs is that they masterfully balance being present and dancing to their sound while properly planning ahead where they want to go.

And whether you realize it or not… what you do daily shouldn’t feel so much different.

P.s. ICYMI you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

RIP Jayh

A childhood friend of mine died of heart failure this past weekend—at 37 years old.

He was one of the most athletic kids I knew when I was growing up and was the living embodiment of tough. He didn’t take crap from anybody and could burn a hole through you with a single glance… and yet, he had one of the most contagious laughs you might ever hear. He was a leader and wasn’t afraid to express his full life force—in conversation, in football, in music… in any endeavor.

May the best of who he was carry on through those who knew him and may this message of mortality ripple its way to you with some urgency for living… for you to get busy expressing your full life force.

…Because tomorrow is promised to no one.

On Following The Pulls Of Our Pendulum

Sometimes, like a pendulum, when you push too hard or for too long into one area of interest you find yourself feeling this natural pull in the exact opposite direction and away from it.

This is what happened to me with personal development.

I was HEAVY into the personal development scene for years. I read all the books. I listened to all the podcasts. I went to all the seminars. Heck, I even created a personal development quote curation website.

And then, one day, I just couldn’t listen to another personal development podcast… and I started listening to music instead.

And then, on another day, I just couldn’t read another personal development book… and I read a novel instead.

And then, on yet another day, I just couldn’t spend my vacation days on another personal development seminar… and I decided to go to a music show instead.

…And you know what?

I feel like I’ve personally developed far more following the pulls of my pendulum and listening to my inner compass than I ever would’ve if I kept shoving personal development down my throat.

This isn’t to say anything negative about personal development books, podcasts, or seminars. It’s simply to say… sometimes we need to pay more attention to the personal in our continued development.

Our inner guidance knows the way. We just have to pay close enough attention and honor it.

On Failing Yourself

The only thing worse than failing is not having tried in the first place.

Because not having tried leaves you in life’s most dreaded place: with regret.

…And until you actually believe that, I hope you realize you’re failing yourself.