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Month: January 2023

Stepping Stone Goals

The thing about creating MASSIVE goals…

Is that doing the small things required to realize them feels disproportionately beneath them.

Focus less on the MASSIVE and focus more on the stepping-stone goals that make the non-negotiable small actions feel more substantial and worthy.

Merged Paths

There are as many different paths in life as there are people—no two aligned in exactly the same way.

Which means it’s only a matter of time before the people here with us diverge from our path and head out onto their unique own—it’s the nature of life.

Until then, we should cherish the time we have together while our paths have merged and start preparing ourselves to smile with deep gratitude when it’s time for our paths to diverge (because of the cherished time we did have together)—no sense in arguing against nature.

Even soulmates will have to one day say, “goodbye.”

But for today, let’s make the time we do have together worth smiling deeply for.

P.s. I asked: Outside of sleep, eating well, exercise, reading, and writing—what’s ONE thing that helps you perform your best? I hope the answers help. :)

Expert Inner-Workers

Normalize people working with expert inner-workers (therapists) so that they can better understand the inner-workings that drive literally 100% of their experience of life.

Placing (and accepting) a stigma on this is to rob people of a chance to live their most fulfilled life.

Believe The Act

If somebody says they love you, but acts like they don’t… believe the act.

If somebody says they’re trustworthy, but acts two-faced and shady… believe the shady.

If somebody says they’re hardworking, but whines at sight of hard work… believe the whine.

If somebody says they’re humble, but obsessively tries to steal the spotlight… believe the stealing.

If somebody says family is the most important, but scoffs when you say you’re prioritizing family over work… believe the scoff.

What’s funny is that the people who act in contradiction to what they say might actually believe what they’re saying. But, what YOU should believe is how they act. Always.

P.s. Tomorrow, I’m emailing the BEST of what was posted to MoveMe Quotes last week. To start getting these gems delivered to your inbox for free, subscribe here.

Onto The Endless List

Do not think that today will come without challenges.

To think so would be naive and in contradiction to the countless challenging days that have come before.


Instead, think that today’s challenges will be met with the inner strength, resilience, and resolve that has helped you overcome the endless list of the challenges that have come at you before.

And with this… head into your day with your posture straight, mindset ready, and smile on for whichever sorry challenge makes its way onto your path first.

Because onto that endless list it too shall go.

P.s. I’m giving away the first 3 meditations from my new guide away for free to anyone who shares it—on social media or wherever. If this is you and I missed you, reply to this email and I’ll send them to you asap! And if you don’t really do social media, reply and I’ll send them to you anyway :)

Specific Gratitude

The more specific you can be with your gratitude, the more impactful it will be.

Specificity requires a more careful, deep thought process which naturally challenges you to spend more time and pull from deeper parts inside of yourself. General gratitude happens in less time and from a more peripheral area which naturally makes it less impactful and more fleeting.

“I’m thankful for my spouse,” for example, is not the same as “I’m thankful for the effort my spouse puts into making me feel seen and heard—from the way they lock eye contact to the way they silently nod and let me finish my complete train of thought to the way they respond deliberately and elegantly.”

There’s no denying the impact of any and all practiced gratitude.

Specificity, however, is how you unleash the power of gratitude in full.

P.s. I’m so incredibly grateful for the support I received in the launch of my first ever digital product—from the purchases, to the shares, to the reviews, to the comments, to the just plain great vibes… it was an overwhelmingly positive day and I am deeply grateful for each of you who contributed to it. You know who you are. Thank you :)

My First EVER Digital Product

Drumroll pleaseeeeee…

I’ve been creating content online since 2010 and have been waiting a LONG time for this day.

The day when I get to confidently release a product that I’m damn proud of… one where no short-cuts were taken… one that I’m confident will change the direction of people’s lives in a way that my free content won’t…

And so, without further ado, here it is:

The Art of Forward: Direction > Speed

Build Unshakable Confidence In Your Life’s Direction In 30 Days—Without Spending Thousands ($$$$) On Life Coaching…

The idea: Fast is the modern day default… Fast in the wrong direction can end up being one of your life’s greatest regrets. This guide was designed to help you build unshakable confidence in your life’s direction without the HUGE price tag.

What you get:

  • (30) 1-Page Meditations
  • (30) Direction-Altering Action Steps
  • (30) Beautiful/ Downloadable Illustrations

Who’s it for? The person who sometimes questions the direction of their life. The person who isn’t 100% sure about how they even ended up moving in the direction they are. The person who sometimes gets the feeling that there’s more to life—more to themself—than they’ve been able to cultivate and realize… and who knows, deep down, that either they’re being held back or are holding themself back…

Want to learn more? Everything you need to know is here

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Whether this is your first or 500th email from me—I really appreciate each of you. I’m on cloud 9 today :)