The bigger your sense of lack…
The deeper your inner holes will feel.
And the deeper the inner hole, the more that’ll be required to fill it.
But, remember… filling a hole can be done in two very different ways:
1) Buying external hole-filler (which is often costly, hard to come by, and labor-intensive—you know… that luxury brand, media-worshipped, top-shelf style hole-filler).
2) Using internal hole-filler (you know, the stuff you threw next to the hole while you were doing all of that inner hole digging in the first place).
Remember this as you look around today… at the many wonderful things you often don’t notice, the people you often can’t stand, and the blessings you so often take for granted.
Maybe the “holes” inside aren’t holes at all.
Maybe they’re just parts of ourselves that, for one reason or another, became uneven from some unintentional / subconscious digging that we did and then left ignored. And what we need to do isn’t buy some fancy filler… but do some inner-landscaping/ leveling with what’s already there.
Because whole is how we were born. “With-holes” is something that sometimes happens as we go. And filling inner holes is best done with the stuff that’s already next to them—inside.
P.s. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. I’m very thankful to have you with me on this ride.